Teclast P20HD, N6H3 – root method

Yes, device is ROOTable but require some time

  1. Recovery is not needed. You have to unlock bootloader using this metod.
  2. Use Linux (ubuntu for adb/fastboot)
  3. Find stock firmware, extract *.PAC file and modify boot/recovery file using MAGISK manager
  4. Now it’s time to sign custom image using self-signed certificate (image and vbmeta)
    1. [Tutorial] How to create a custom signed vbmeta.img for Unisoc using AVBtool
    2. [Tutorial] How to extract public keys from a vbmeta image
    3. [Tutorial] How to use AVBtool and a private key to sign a Unisoc (SPD) image
  5. If You have modified bootloader/recovery using magisk (magisk_patched.img), signed vbmeta_custom.img file using self-signed certificate, unlocked bootloader open Linux and
  6. type “adb reboot fastboot”
  7. start flashing two files
  8. fastboot –disable-verity –disable-verification flash vbmeta vbmeta_custom.img
  9. fastboot flash boot magisk_patched.img
  10. Finish :)

* If you fail, start again teclast P20HD, N6H – bricked bootloader! stuck at starting screen! – muszak.eu

* I have bad experience using windows, many steps can fail without reason, so… if you fail, think about linux/ubuntu/etc.

*mirror for avbtool

*Below is my chain_partition for avbtool.py based on vbmeta-sign.img

   avbtool.py make_vbmeta_image \      
  --key my_private_key.pem \      
  --algorithm SHA256_RSA4096 \        
  --flag 2 \      
  --chain_partition boot:1:keysimg/boot_key.img \     
  --chain_partition recovery:2:keysimg/recovery_key.img \     
  --chain_partition keysimg:3:keysimg/vbmeta_system_key.img \     
  --chain_partition vbmeta_vendor:4:keysimg/vbmeta_vendor_key.img \       
  --chain_partition l_modem:5:keysimg/l_modem_key.img \       
  --chain_partition l_ldsp:6:keysimg/l_ldsp_key.img \     
  --chain_partition l_gdsp:7:keysimg/l_gdsp_key.img \     
  --chain_partition pm_sys:8:keysimg/pm_sys_key.img \     
  --chain_partition odmko:9:keysimg/odmko_key.img \       
  --chain_partition socko:10:keysimg/socko_key.img \      
  --padding_size 16384 \      
  --output vbmeta-sign-custom.img

3 odpowiedzi na “Teclast P20HD, N6H3 – root method”

  1. Hi from Italy. I have a Teclast P20HD_EEA too. Many thanks for your tutorial. I have unlocked the bootloader. You use a signed boot or recovery?

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ENG: Third planet of the solar system? PL: Trzecia planeta układu słonecznego?

  1.    Mars / Mars
  2.    Sun / Słońce
  3.    Ziemia / Earth
  4.    Jupiter / Jowisz
  5.    Pluton / Pluto
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  7.    Merkury / Mercury